Saturday, October 13, 2012

Chapter 29

     “What do I get out of all this?” Those were Teresa’s first words when Jordan and Stacey broached the subject. Rather than call her, they had decided to drive to her house. Her father was gone and Jordan noticed a new round of bruises on the side of Teresa’s face and on her arms.
     “What do you mean what do you get out of this?” Stacey demanded, then softened her tone, “look we really need your help, Teresa.”
     “Why should I help you?” Teresa asked, a snarky smile on her face. “What do I get out of this?”
     Barely a mumble, Jordan replied, “I’ll let you use the mirror whenever you want.”
     “Jordan, No!” Stacey exclaimed but she was silenced by Jordan’s upheld hand.
     “Stacey, we don’t have a choice; Teresa is the only other person who knows about this and we need her help.”
     Nodding her head in resigned agreement, Stacey let out a shuddering breath and turned to Teresa for her answer.
     “I’ll get to use the mirror whenever I want?” Teresa asked, making sure the terms of the deal were solid.
     “Yes,” Jordan replied, looking Teresa straight in the eye, giving her the resolved outward agreement that Teresa sought. Inwardly, though, Jordan knew that Teresa would never be able to use the mirror. As soon as her parents were safe, she planned to destroy it once and for all.
     “OK,” Teresa was saying, bringing Jordan back to the moment, “I’ll take care of dad at the airport- I have a plan that I know will work. After all, if we can push things past the 13 hour mark, then everything should be fine, right?  You two take care of mom. This time tomorrow, I will meet you at your house, Jordan, cuz I want to make sure you keep your end of the deal.”
     Jordan nodded in mute compliance. “How-“ she began but was cut off by Teresa.
     “Don’t worry how! You’re going to have to trust me, Jordan. I’m trusting you and putting my butt on the line.  You’re just going to have to trust that I can do this.”
     Wringing her hands, her face twisted in fear, Jordan again nodded and she and Stacey left. Teresa had all the information she needed, her father’s flight number and time of departure, the airport and airline name. Jordan worried all the way home. She hadn’t really thought about simply delaying things. She had spent so much time preventing disaster, she never really thought about what might happen if the event was simply delayed. Inwardly she worried that delaying things wouldn’t be enough, but she had no choice.
Bethany’s Serenity prayer came to mind and Jordan silently prayed, “Lord please help us to have the courage to change the things we can.” At the back of her mind, though, Jordan pushed another thought away- the idea of accepting what they might not be able to change.

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